Sunday 5 July 2009

A personal touch from the HoldemManager team

Had a lovely experience yesterday: an update to HoldemManager contained an enhancement that I'd asked for only a few days before.

picture of a Holdem Manager update

It's only a small thing but I'd been putting up with it for months thinking that surely someone had mentioned it and it would be fixed sometime. I'd search the forums previously and not found any mention. Update after update, no change. Maybe I was missing something?

So, a few days ago I decided to bite the bullet and go ask if I could set the default Min BBs somewhere.

Lo and behold, the same day a support guy says he'll mention it to the developers. A few days later I get confirmation that the next beta update will contain the fix. The next day, out pops a beta!

Admittedly, I was lucky to get the request in during a phase of quick updates but heck, it feels great to be on the receiving end of responsive customer service. :)

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