Thursday 14 August 2008

Back on the wagon

Played another tourney tonight at CD Poker and came second. Had a little crib sheet of Harrington's strategy in front of me, courtesy of someone at work. It helped to tighten my range a little - I just stuck to hands on the sheet (leaving over 25% of possible hands to choose from) and considered raising when I had position rather than playing quite so randomly.

Also, I've stopped relying on Tournament Indicator now as I realise it can't factor in dominated outs when determining the win odds vs pot odds so making judgements purely on the odds it shows is dangerous in most cases.

Anyway, the game itself was very enjoyable. Some of the other players seemed okay people and the chat comments were a nice extra dimension.

I was maybe a 4:1 underdog going into heads up and started off well but the blinds were high and it only took one bad play to leave me blinded into an all in situation with poor cards. Probably should have seen that coming.

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