Friday 1 August 2008

Play money victory

I went to Pacific to blow some cash I'd left on the site and ended up opting for a play money sitngo tournament.

would you believe it, I won!

The play was really strange even by my standards e.g. people putting lots in the pot only to fold on the river to a small raise.. four way all ins with marginal hands. The shenanigans certainly narrowed the field quite a bit so I didn't complain.

I was middle stack when it got down to three players. The short stack then let himself be blinded right down to his last $10. He tripled up from that point to $30 (luck) but soon went out after that.

In heads up the chip leader had me covered 2-1 but he'd already firmly established himself as a really loose aggressive (and lucky) player with some obvious tells so I won some pretty big pots with a pair or two pair by putting him on rubbish (e.g. high card).

So what did I think of the experience? Well, even though it's a sample size of 1, I will be avoiding the play money tables because:
  • I don't think they will help me improve my game as much as real money tables.
  • I can't go back and review my hands later
  • It's more satisfying to win real money than the play variety.

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