Wednesday 27 May 2009

Working on Leaks

I've lost over 200BB ($100) this month and at least a few times I've wondered if I was really cut out to make money on the virtual felt.

However, when push comes to shove, the last thing I want to do is give up on this. I have a history of quitting dreams (mainly to focus on work) and it's time to make a stand!

The silver lining is that I've discovered some major leaks early on and I'm playing at a limit where I can afford the learning curve.

So what are the leaks?

First off, I've been showdown bound too often.

I dropped down to $.05/$.10 to work on WTSD and after 500 hands figured I'd improved my ratio and this limit was just too easy to beat. Staying at this level would not help me play $.25/$.50, would not build my bankroll fast enough and might even be detrimental to my overall game.

I moved straight back to $.25/$.50 and, after a couple of days adding small amounts to my bankroll, had another big losing streak!

Went back to the drawing board and realized a few more things:

  • still trying too hard to win every pot. WTSD was still bad. W$SD abysmal.

  • playing too many hands

  • there was a $.15/$.3 limit below $.25/$.5

So I dropped back to $0.15/$.30 to work on my loose showdown habits.

My losing streak continued for a while even though the players were marginally worse and/or looser than the players at $.25/$.50. I found a few more things wrong!
  • chasing draws (just completely ignoring pot odds for the most part)
  • ignorant to the dangers of playing weak/junk offsuit hands
  • playing hands too aggressively
  • underestimating the advantage of position
  • placing too many bets out of position
  • playing too many hands from the blinds in multiway pots
  • regularly playing super-shorthanded (2 or 3 players)
  • bluffing too much! especially out of position
The list is in no particular order.

the main thing is, over the last few days I've made some progress. Still more work to do.

I'll stick at $.15/$.30 until I've built at least one buy in at $.25/$.50 (i.e. $25) as the players are sufficiently clued up at this level to mean you can't get to the river in a multiway pot with a poor hand and expect it to hold up too often.

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