Friday 1 May 2009

Results for April 2009

Results for april are in!

I'd hidden some sessions from the main database because they were soooo bad but earlier this week a results-oriented discussion at DeucesCracked helped me to open up and confess my sins. I've come to terms with the loss now and included it here.

Thanks to a good run at Everest I'm still up for the month with a respectable (?) BB per 100.

I've enjoyed this foray into 6-max. I was troubled by the loses from both the blind positions since I didn't remember this happening at FullRing but having now reviewed full ring results separately, it looks losing money from the blinds is common to both formats.

So far my BB/100 for $.25/$.50 6-max is almost exactly half my BB/100 for $.25/$.50 full ring over the same number of hands. I've had some horrendous tilted 6-max sessions though so I think the BB/100 could be closer with better play.

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