Saturday 17 January 2009

Anyone can win with good cards

For the record, the reason Titan won't let me withdraw is they want me to earn 1860(ish) Titan Points first. If I play at too low a limit, the points take forever and I'll never see the money. I have to play as high as I can stomach. Obviously there's a good chance I'll lose all the money whilst trying to earn the points but still, I've decided to take on the challenge.

Playing $0.25/$0.50 Limit Hold'em accrues points at a tolerable speed for the amount of risk taken. NL is a less forgiving - since $0.10 NL stakes are the most expensive I can afford. I'm not going to deposit more money to help play at higher stakes though both because of the risk and also on principal.

I am considering joining a different iPoker skin e.g. Mansion, VC Poker or Chili Poker but figure it's not worth deciding until I clear my Titan bonus.

On to other matters...

I've received the money from CDPoker. Only took three working days so hats off to them for that. PKR hasn't oblidged yet. Bodog transfer back to Neteller was same day.

FullTilt has consolidated my accounts (I'd opened for play money in the early days, another when I tried to change my account name to "obadonke" and then there's my main one that's linked to rakeback). I now have more money at FullTilt than PokerStars but still not enough at either to support a proper stab at even $0.10 NL.

Today I tried NL at PacificPoker at very small stakes ($0.06 BB = $6.00 buyin) and doubled my money. If I manage to double my balance again I'll be back to what I first deposited there (having splurged a lot on tournaments when I was starting out).

Since the Pacific table I was on was labelled "beginners" I thought maybe I can't class myself as a beginner any more and I should stop playing at that limit but there weren't many games on at the time so I decided to try somewhere else.

Given I'm trying to clear the points backlog to get at the money at Titan and also since iPoker is notorious for being full of nits, I tried Titan poker $0.10 BB NL = $10.00 buyin next. I doubled my buyin in just over an hour.

This isn't a brag. I have a horrible feeling this was just a lucky run. A lot of the players were timid and what's more I didn't run into any nasty set vs set or flush vs flush scenarios. thankfully, I never had to risk my entire stack either and all my runin's with shortstackers saw me with the better hand going into the showdown.

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