Thursday 19 February 2009

The Feb 09 story so far

Well, I've been very quiet this month, coming to terms with my horrendous performance at Titan after seemingly doing so well at Everest.

I've concluded that the players at Titan at the nano stakes on the whole play what is referred to as "solid poker" - possibly even ABC poker. I reckon that because of this, there's not much point playing at the tables because you would have to play equally solid play all the time to meek out a meagre existence there.

That's why it's easy to lose money fast playing loose but hard to get money back : you don't get any action unless people have good hands, so when *you* have a good hand, you're unlikely to get paid unless its one of those rare occaisions when good hand meets good hand and then it could go either way.

I can't see any point playing in those ring games. too boring and too little reward at $.1/$.2 or even $.25/$.50. Maybe as I get better I'll realise I'm just making excuses but for now, this is my theory and I'm sticking to it!

So, I've switched back to six-max at Titan because you can find loser players there. For instance, I had an amazing session tonight... initially I was continuing my usual bad run of cards combined with overly aggressive play - ended up down $9.00 at $.1/$.2! (45 big bets). Then the cards changed and some looser players joined the table and within 30-60 minutes, I had won almost $12, turning the session from a big loss to a respectable win rate! (6BB/100).

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