Thursday 5 February 2009

Trying 6-handed at Titan

Up until now I've occasionally applied full ring strategies and hand selection to short-handed limit games with mixed results. I'd had a few really good sessions, and lots of bad sessions where I was just bullied off the tables. I still ended up ahead in Jan for 6-max play but only because I got away from the bad sessions before they blew a big hole in my bankroll.

the experience pointed out a few things:
- there are a lot more limit short-handed tables than limit full ring
- the tables are way more aggressive
- consistent winners had higher VPIP than I was used to in full ring
- the blinds were brutal - if you tried to play fullring nitty tight, the blinds really started to dent your stack
- I would struggle to work out the adjustments required for short-handed without help

So one of my treats for good behaviour in January (i.e. not splurging any money on unnecessary stuff) was the book "Limit Hold'em: winning short-handed strategies" by Terry Borer and Lawrence Mak.

Have now skim read everything upto pre-flop starting hand ranges. Pretty deep stuff. Lot of useful info and a few chuckles thrown in too.

Had a little practice session on Titan at $.1/$.20 and, after putting an entire table on tilt through overly aggressive play (I started off a bit too excited and bluffed way too much), I got paid off enough to practically double my initial buyin (30BB). I acted like a doucebag and took off at that point because it was getting late.

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