Thursday 6 August 2009

FT Challenge Day 6

A rocky session this evening but somehow pulled a positive BB/100 out the bag.

I had one table that just didn't go right for me at all for most of the session. Will have to review as I'm sure I called down way too much.

Anyhow, stats for today:
386 Hands
27/19.4/1.97 3bet 2.27%
WTSD 39 W$SD 48.94
Steal 38.67% FBBtoSteal 62.50%
LWPC 7.78
BB/100 5.26
Rake $6.70
CBet Flop 75.56%
Fold T Raise 0%

The Fold to raise stat is perhaps telling along with the more obvious W$SD < 50%.

Oooops, just realized that "Fold T Raise" is "Fold to Turn Raise".. not the stat I was looking for but all the same, I've been folding around 25% of hands in this spot but today I didn't fold any.

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