Saturday 8 August 2009

Still Swimming after a Week!

Apart from a disastrous session playing ill-yet-still-over-confident-and-showdown-bound this morning, the first week has gone okay.

Had I not played this morning, there’s a strong likelihood I’d have moved up a stake this weekend. Mustn’t dwell on it though. All in good time – certainly do NOT want to be having sessions like that at higher stakes!

With regard to the $50 rakeback part of the objective, I’ve accrued just over $10 of rakeback with only 2/3 of the month remaining. This is definitely looking overly ambitious now unless I move up the stakes.

The difficulty accruing rakeback at FT has helped me to appreciate the old loyalty bonuses at Everest: even though they only occurred at most once every two months, I was clearing $50 in 3-5 days there playing 6-max $.25/$.50. The downside was that the clearance requirements grew rapidly once you moved up from the lowest VIP tier.

Anyhow, glad I’m still afloat. Long may it continue.

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