Saturday 1 August 2009

Swimming with Sharks

In an effort to spur myself to greatness, I'm going to state objectives for August loud and clear right here for all to see. Whether I come back to reveal the results at month end or give any updates in between is an entirely different matter!

This month my goal is to face the aggro-shark infested waters of Full Tilt micro limits and accrue a minimum of $50 rakeback without going broke. I'm starting with about 300BB.

For me this isn't going to be easy:
* somewhat embarrassingly, I'm a losing player at $.25/$.50 6max at both Full Tilt and Party Poker.
* I don't get to play many hands per month due to work commitments
* I have a bad record playing aggressive opposition
* My hand reading sucks :(

I named this post "Swimming with Sharks" not because I want to swim with them but because it's an inevitabe outcome of playing regularly at any site these days.

Table selection/quitting must be one of the first skills to improve this month, followed immediately by better hand-reading. Without these pillars supporting my game, I may only last a few sessions!

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