Saturday 28 March 2009


Having been left a little dazed and confused by the initial experience of Stox, I joined up with DeucesCracked.

Oh my! night and day! The videos are available in 3 formats (ipod, mp4 and streamed). The videos are polished and professionally presented.

I went straight to the 6-max limit section and found a beginner video series called The Price is Right by Danzasmack that seems perfectly suited to where I am. The series is even covering the limits I'm playing right now $.5/$1 and $1/$2 (okay, I'm not up to 1/2 yet but I'm working on it).

I really like this site so far. If I have to choose between Stox and DeucesCracked, I'll be choosing DeucesCracked.

What about CardRunners? Well, it does look more polished than its sister site but it's covering limits that are just way beyond me right now. Just not worth the money for me.

What about others? I haven't done a lot of research but some sites (e.g. LeggoPoker) are focused on No Limit Cash and tournaments. I'm still strictly a Limit player right now. DeucesCracked covers everything I need and enough other games when I'm ready to progress.

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