Saturday 28 March 2009

What happened in March 09?

I've been pretty quiet this month. Work has been stressful and the poker sessions have (perhaps as a result) been pretty hit and miss - more miss than hit to be honest.

Played on Full Tilt, Everest, PokerStars, Hollywood Poker and Devilfish over the period.

Totally lost my mojo for most of the month see-sawing around break-even. Finally felt like I started to get my head right again in the last week or so but haven't had much time to play.

Here's the graph for the month - this time (for a change) from Holdem Manager.

the last two sessions were cases of completely "lucking out" on table selection. I made 40BB/100 over an hour session in both cases, once at $.50/$1 and the other at $.1/$.2. These brought march back into healthy positive territory and mean I'm a little wary of playing any more in case I drop back again :P

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