Saturday 28 March 2009


Well, I finally bit the bullet and subscribed to a poker training site!

For the record, I subscribed to StoxPoker on Wednesday 25th of March having initially signed up for Truly Free Poker Training earlier that evening. At about $27 a month I figured it was worth a try - especially since I'd had a good session the night before.

I figured I'd use the material to get a better handle on 6-max play to start with then maybe try my hand at no limit too. However, the first few videos I watched by Bryce Paradis surprised me. Not what I was expecting at all. Video quality was a bit poor, they were DRM protected and - this came as a shock - Bryce ended the sessions with less money than he started with!

OK, so the theory is that the instructors show you what will be +EV plays in the long run so the fact that he loses in the training session shouldn't matter but honestly, if I tried to incorporate what he's advising into my current game, I'd just DUMP CHIPS!

My feet were getting cold... I figured I should try a different website for comparison purposes. That'll be the subject of my next post.

[To be fair, I just opened a video by a different author (doughnutz) and the video quality is a lot better]

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