Saturday 28 March 2009

Guelling 6 max at Full Tilt

Woah. Talk about getting put into place! I got eaten alive at the 6max table tonight. Started off okay for the first few hands then I suffered some really horrible draws.

The guy to my left was hyper aggressive . Very few people would lay down to a bluff and it also seemed people were hitting the board a hell of a lot- e.g. two outers and the like. ARGH! What a frustrating session. Just glad I got it back to even before I left although I realise that’s a very bad way to go about the game. Should have set a time limit.

Not sure I’m ready for that type of game yet. Just hope my full-ring game hasn’t been affected like it was last time I ventured into 6max territory.

Silver lining? at least I’ll have earnt a little rakeback!

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