Friday 10 April 2009


The training video series I watched last week helped raise my awareness of opponent-range based play.

The terms TAG (Tight Aggressive) and LAG (Loose Aggressive) are often used to describe players styles. The “Tight” or “Loose” component of these acronyms gives an indication of the range of hands that a player will enter a hand with. “Tight” players play less cards than “Loose” players.

Modern literature (both print, podcast and video) recommend taking into consideration the range of hands a player is likely to play under current conditions and adjusting your own range accordingly. In other words, you would vary your range according to actions of the players already in the hand and the likely actions of those left to follow.

Let’s call this style a RAG style (Range-based Aggressive).

I was hoping to explore the idea further tonight but I’m too tired! Good night.

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