Monday 13 April 2009


Well, having said I'd stick to 6-max this month, I switched to full ring briefly on Saturday to reduce risk whilst completing the FullTilt Take 2 promotion. Played more cautiously and won a little back.

Went back to 6-max yesterday for the final day of the promotion and just about broke even.

Could have been up quite a bit but got rivered: dealt TT flopped a set on Txx board. Capped flop. Villian hit one outer on the river to make JJJ. There was also a chance of going out to a flush but I didn't put him on a heart-draw. turns out he didn't have any hearts.

Thanks to rakeback ($7) and the Take 2 promotion ($25), my bankroll is down $15, not $47.

Hope I learnt something. I reviewed some of the hands the day after and realised I was playing very badly. Chasing weak draws, folding when I had good odds. Playing badly on 3 tables at once is obviously going to to hit your bankroll!

Probably the stupidest thing I did was mis-classify a really good player as a fish. That slip alone cost me at least $10 and probably more because the thought of being lucked out on by a fish was creating additional tilt.

I'm certainly going to pay a lot more attention to the style of play of my opponents now. I think there's probably value in sticking at a level until you've identified all the regulars and know how they play.

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