Tuesday 7 April 2009

What leaks when the sun shines?

Woah. Can't believe this is the first post in April.

I've played at least a few hands every day since the 3rd despite being inundated with work. Feeling pretty wrecked to be honest.

Was going to write something reflective today but with the complete absence of posts up to this point... what the hell let's stick to basics.

Progress so far in April

Have taken the plunge, playing exclusively 6-max at FullTilt. Started off pretty bad but then dropped down a limit, calmed my aggression a little and took on board more of what Danzasmack was saying in his Prices Right videos at DeucesCracked and hey presto, things started to go a little better for me.

Had an amazing set of hands at one point and made a whopping $30 at one table but in the excitment I proceeded to donk most of my winnings again to finish almost even for that session (hence the big spike around 700 hands).

The silver lining to that particular cloud is that it revealed a pretty significant leak : I play like a contented fish when I'm way ahead in a session: playing cards that I'd otherwise muck, chasing draws when I don't have the correct odds, try to bluff more... What the hell?! Gotta cut that out. Sit out and gather yourself man!

The fact that I'm still chasing that illustrious high point in my April winnings chart 500 hands later is a real sobering thought. Hopefully this leak is well and truly plugged.

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