Friday 10 April 2009


I just lost ALL the money I’ve won this month and I’m back into the red. All in about 2 hours playing at $.25/$.50 6-max on full filt.

I feel like a sack of excrement right now but figured I’d better post. Can’t just record the highlights.

Really down now. How the hell do I recover from this?

Yeah its nothing in the grand scheme of things, some people lose a whole lot more than I have and would laugh if they read this but it still hurts.

Damn, not sure what I was doing when I started my session today. Tried 3 tabling and was just completely out of it. Lost $10 on each table before I could blink. Totally flustered.

Took a break, tried to relax a bit then returned to a single table but still lost another $8.

It will take ages to win this back and there’s no guarantee I won’t just keep losing.

Drat! really thought I was getting somewhere with 6-max. What a joke!

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