Wednesday 17 December 2008

controlling VPIP

After Sunday, I got my account on Virgin Poker sorted and loaded a few quid there. the lowest limit they had was .10/.20 (double what I usually play) and I donked loads of chips - my biggest lost in one session (almost 5 euro?).

the day after I had a go on Everest and lost again.

In both cases, the previously identified leak was still the biggest culprit - going all the way to Showdown with top pair weak kicker or worse.

My VPIP has been consistently over 30% - regardless of position - and I couldn't seem to bring it down so today I revised my hand-chart to include clearer advice about what hands can be played from each position.

then I went back  to Party Poker and, after a short time on a table with a very lucky gambler (suspect cheating as everyone else disappeared very quickly when he started winning what seemed to be an unusually high number of hands) who took maybe $1.50 from me (at .05/.10), I opened up two speed 10 max tables and settled into a nice rhythm. My VPIP leveled at around 25%. Much better!

Played about 140 hands, some of them heads-up. Pretty pleased with this but still a lot of work todo to get even overall.

I'm excluding Virgin Poker because I don't want the big loss skewing my figures - especially not when it's an a different currency (Euro).

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