Wednesday 10 December 2008

In the dark at Pacific

I went to Pacific this evening to practise what I'd read in Small Stakes Hold'em.

Played 2c/4c and started out with lots of "junk hands" (didn't play them). Also, I didn't hit any flops with the better hands - taking me from $2.30 to $2.00 in my first stint. 

took a break to visit the girlfriend. When I got back, I put $1.50 in play. money started to go up gradually but every now and again I'd play a few hands I shouldn't. so, I decided to open another table to reduce the urge to play more hands.

It seemed to work. I put $.50 on the second table and doubled it (thanks in no small part to AA with a helpful x99 flop and some very loose aggressive villains). Also, I loosed my game more on the second table because it was very short handed (4 max). 

Meanwhile the $1.50 went up above $2.00.  I ended the session with $3.75 (combined total).

As I didn't run any hand-capture software I'm in the dark about how I played.  I'm not particularly fussed in this case because Pacific isn't one of my favourites and I've no intention of putting any more money there. I use it as an "off the record" training ground where anything goes... until the deposit runs out.

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