Thursday 11 December 2008

OnGame Claw back!

Wow! What a session! 2 hours 40 minutes at Hollywood Poker on a $0.05/$0.10 limit table.

Wasn't expecting such a tough field. Lost $1.50 in the first 30 hands and then tightened up my game and spent the next 65 hands clawing it back. Woah.

This time everything is recorded in Hold'em Manager (HM) so I can go back and review what went on.

Really pleased with the report features in HM. If you've got the HUD running, you can generate a player report that only includes players at your table(s). this is great to find out who the winning players are so you can avoid donking too many chips in their direction. Also helps to determine the fish to shark ratio (i.e. is there still any food other than yourself). 

I spent a lot of the session well in the bottom half of the bb/100 rankings but by the end I was in the top 50%... just!

Was surprised to see that 36 players came and went during the session. It didn't seem that many but I suppose you're focused on the hands not on the player churn.

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