Friday 19 December 2008

Talking to myself at Titan

Tried video commentary for this session. Went okay until I started to get tired but found it very useful as I spotted a few things during play that I wouldn't normally. Having to talk about the hand forces you to think about it more and try to justify actions. Found it very useful for talking through odds calculations.

Was lucky to run into a few fish tonight that kept the game juiced up. The players on iPoker seem more casual at $0.05/$0.10 level.

One player was being very successful at 6-max by seeing most flops with any hand and only continuing past the flop if they hit something. they made a heap of money whilst I was struggling to stay afloat.

At one point I thought it was going to be another $2 loss for the evening but I clawed it back just at the end.

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