Tuesday 29 July 2008

Bad beat turned good

Sunday night I played in two tournaments. The first was at CDPoker and I ran in to a bunch of super aggressive players. I was pretty much card dead and not in the mood to gamble with my 6p stake and so waited for cards that just didn't come.

As my stack started to dwindle (red mzone), I hit on KK to triple up. The very next hand I got AQo on the button and pushed all in hoping perhaps to steal the blinds. I got two callers (chip leader + another all in).

Plugging the cards into PokerAcademy showdown calculator put me as a distinct favourite but I wonder now if I played this hand too eargerly.

Anyway, *that* wasn't the bad beat story. Oh no!

The next tournament was on Titan Poker. A more reasonable crowd that seemed to be thinking about the game a little.

So, the hand in question came when we were 7 handed. I had slightly more than average chips ($1960) and got K7o, blinds were $30-$60 and decided to at least see the flop.

A guy I had down for a calling station who had recently given me some chips raised 1BB in cut off position. I decided to stay with it, as did the button and utg. I flopped bottom set.

I figured at $.10+$.2 level, a set was a fairly good hand so I decided to try a large value bet (I have no idea what the right strategy is) - expecting the calling station to follow me anyway.

Just as I was adjusting my slider, my internet connection died. I was gutted. I stormed off convinced I would have won the hand and gone on to do well in the tournament.

My internet connection didn't return until the morning. I quickly logged back in and updated my hand-history to find out what happened on my last hand and surprise surprise... I had finished 2nd in the tourney!

what's more, on the K7 hand, two guys went all in and my "calling station" friend flopped a straight on the river having started out with A6s (a better hand than mine :). So, I'd have probably gone out of the tourney right there had my internet connection stayed up.

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