Wednesday 16 July 2008

First win at CDPoker! 20p up on the day

I almost didn't play tonight but coaxed myself to the tables to chip away at the 884 hands required to unlock Tourney Indicator.

Opted for the more sensible $0.10+$0.02 tourney this time (down from $1.00+$0.20). First hand I went all in after the flop, overcommitting a pair of Aces and completely missing the likely hood of a flush draw. Flop has come A 3 5 and of course, someone was playing with 24s :P

I couldn't let that be my only learning experience tonight so after taking a few deep breaths, I registered for another $0.10+$0.02 tourney.

This time I tried to play more hands conservatively and was more careful on the flop. The table was pretty tight from the get go which seems to be a good omen for me. Managed to build up a chip lead on the back of a few hands where I caught the flop.

A few people went out and then there was a period of drawn out play until strangely, a number of players seem to lose their interest and start shoving. We were down to 4 players in next to no time. A bad beat later and we're down to 3. Not long after, I get all of player 3's chips and arrive at heads up with the advantage!

It was my first experience of heads up and I was pretty nervous. Neither of us wanted to gamble so it took a long time. I lost the chip lead only once for the whole match.

I think the turning point came when I slow played a flopped straight. It was the perfect opportunity to coax him into pushing me off the hand - and he bought it. After this move, I was 3:1 favourite and was starting to see opportunities to push him off hands whereas early on he had been the clear aggressor.

The final hand I gambled K6 on a flush draw (+ K, 6 outs) as I didn't put my opponent on a strong hand. turned out he had 42, had paired the 4 on the flop and shoved all in. K 6 came on turn+river (flush didn't materialize) so I took the pot and ended the game.

I know a single win doesn't count for much but it's still good to finally cash! woohoo!

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