Thursday 10 July 2008

Texas Calculatem

Didn't get an opportunity to play today but the second lot of ceramic chips arrived. I am going to replace the cheaper chips I already had with these ceramic ones but it will cost £250 (approx) so I'll do it bit by bit.

Bought a copy of Texas Calculatem out of curiousity more than anything. Hope it interoperates with PokerTracker/HoldemManager.

Scanned in the copag cards for personal use - I've written a small poker hand tester app and I think the copag cards will look better in it that the Grimaud ones I scanned before.


ANDRE said...

I have texas calculatem, They updated it just these days and now it is a mess of a real crap program. Has to initiate it before instalation, and like before stops working time to time, and now u cant restart it, it dont recognize the tables anymore. It is a shame. And I cant find the lower versions on the net. They just spoiled something was already dubious.

Obadonke said...

Hey Andre, thanks for being the first person to comment on my blog! Must admit I don't use TC or other calculators anymore when I'm playing because I found they lulled me into making bad decisions.