Sunday 13 July 2008

Disconnected at the showdown

My first game on FullTilt. Over-committed with a set of 6s on the flop - came up against a set of tens. Pretty much out of it - $15 left (one SB). Got a lucky run to claw my way back to $400.. blinded back to $240.

Get AKo, go to push all in. Disconnect! Oh oh... please don't auto fold... connected again. Phew. Shove.

disconnect! ARGH! By the time I'm back, the hand has finished and I'm out. No idea what happened and no way to request the hand history?!?

Bummer... still, I went from 9th to 5th on a very short stack. At least that helped me to see I shouldn't give up just 'cos the odds are against me. hmmm... with this in mind, was i right to shove with AKo?

Oh yeah, and TexasCalculatem worked perfectly with the HUD this time. I would like to blame this software for my over-enthusiastic push with the set of 6s but the advice it gave was to raise - not to push as many chips as I could into the middle. I was lucky I had the guy covered else I'd have been out there and then.

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