Monday 7 July 2008

Sharkscope and my first cash game

Yesterday I found my stats on SharkScope.

First off, I've limited myself to <$1 buy in SnGs in general so no high stakes games here. I'd be broke otherwise!

Sit and gos are a disaster so far.

I am classified as "tilt" on SharkScope for my Pacific screenname. I just blew about $5 on that site one day as I didn't want to play there any more (bad case of blaming the site for my own bad play). SharkScope is undecided about my other screenname (Titan) - probably because I've not played many hands.

These episodes convinced me to go with a new screenname featuring the term "donke" at any other sites I subscribe to. I like to have lots of poker clients. I flitter about from one day to the next. So, I picked "obadonke" for Everest Poker and PKR.

Cashed for the first time on bodog yesterday - mainly because connection problems prevented me from playing too many hands in the early rounds. I actually went up 3 places during the 5 minutes I was off the table!

I then sucked out on someone - really bad play having shoved because I'd had enough of the connection problems, I hit a full house on the river and doubled up. I went out in 5th and got my buy in back - but was still down $.20 because of the house fee.

I played a micro stake cash game on Everest last night - my first cash game - and at least ended my 30 minute stint with about the same money I started with. In the first half of the session I was winning. I think the players were tight weak then a few aggressive players joined to my left and I started losing.

The aggressive players didn't seem that good, more like calling stations... but I kept playing through to the river with them.

At least I've started to fold a few on the turn and river. In my first few online games, I'd play right through to the showdown regardless.

Too many really stupid mistakes in my game as yet. Having trouble with the basics - find it difficult to read the board and I'm not calculating outs, comparing pot odds, trying to put people on hands etc. Perhaps playing a little positional play now.

I've read maybe two books completely. I've got a reasonably large poker book library (18 books? + 3 magazine subscriptions). I watch a lot of poker on TV and listen avidly to 2+2's pokercast. However, I've played maybe 50-100 hands so far? Never played live.

anyway, that's the nub of it. time to go earn some money.

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